Roots Rhythm and Rhyme stands as a dynamic and empowering platform dedicated to fostering transformative change. Our mission is rooted in bridging educational and cultural gaps, enhancing personal health through natural remedies, and nurturing the growth from our children to grownies by providing comprehensive educational resources.

Roots Rhythm and Rhyme serves as a vibrant community hub, echoing the cultural renaissance of the 1970s—a time marked by profound self-love, groundbreaking achievements in Funk- music, science, politics, fashion, social justice, Soul Train, Shirley Chisholm, Melba Moore, the Afro, Cornrows, Dolemite, Justice Thurgood Marshall, and James Brown symbolize this era's legacy.

At Roots Rhythm and Rhyme, we aim to reignite this spirit of creative action and healing. We are not just a repository of knowledge but an active force driving towards happiness, health, healing, new career paths, and entrepreneurship. Our platform is a crucible for creativity, where innovative solutions are born and set into motion. We are more than a website; we are a nurturing ground for the soul's purpose, a catalyst for filling life's gaps with meaningful, forward-moving actions. Join us in this journey of healing and empowerment, as we build a culture of support and action at Roots Rhythm and Rhyme.

Predict your Future by Creating it!

Soul Spirit and Body


Your journey of tranformation is where we blend the foundational elements of Roots, Rhythm, and Rhyme with the essence of Soul, Spirit, and Body. Our mission is to guide you towards achieving health, healing, and happiness through transformative practices.

At the heart of our approach is the understanding that creating the life you desire may require change and transformation. While transformation is a term often used, its true meaning and process can be elusive. We aim to demystify this process, offering us a clear starting point and practical tools for change.

'Roots, Rhythm, and Rhyme' is our unique methodology that integrates knowledge about the interconnectedness of Soul, Spirit, and Body. This holistic approach empowers us to embark on our transformational journey, equipping us with the necessary insights to build a life filled with health, healing, and happiness.


Roots represent the deep, ancestral connections that ground us and provide a profound sense of identity.

Roots are the sacred threads of our heritage, tracing back to our ancestors and the rich tapestry of cultures and traditions they carried.

Roots reach deep into ancestral ground, we draw inspiration from our roots to navigate the complexities of life.

Roots are the source of our resilience, strength, and wisdom, reminding us of the journey that has shaped our existence.


We understand that Rhythm goes beyond music- it's a fundamental aspect of life and individual expression.

Like the beating of a heart, Rhythm guides us through our daily routines, connects us to our roots, and shapes our unique identities.

Our culture has a distinct Rhythm, each individual has their own personal rhythm, a cadence that reflects our heritage, experience and passion. We define the scope of Rhythm by focusing on Soul, Spirit and Body.


Rhymeis the poetry of our journey, the lyrical expression of our innermost thoughts, and the way we craft our unique stories. It is the eloquence with which we weave together the tapestry of our experiences, creating a beautiful and resonant narrative.

Rhymeinvites us to find meaning in the seemingly unrelated events and to see the poetry in the ordinary. It is the cadence of our voices, the flow of our emotions, and the song of our souls. Through rhyme, we paint our existence with vivid hues of passion, purpose, and creativity, leaving behind a legacy of verses that echo in the hearts of others. In the poetry of life, we discover the power of our words and the magic of our stories.


Welcome to a space where clarity meets purpose and empowerment. As Black women, we face unique challenges that often go unrecognized and unaddressed. It's time to change that narrative. From the alarming rates of maternal mortality to the myriad injustices we encounter daily, our experiences demand attention and action. This website, inspired by the ethos of "Alchemy of Emotions: A Black Women's Workbook for Creating Health, Healing, and Happiness," is our collective response.

Here, we offer more than just words; we provide a system to reclaim the lives we deserve. As a vibrant community, diverse in hues, talents, and strengths, we have endured adversity with resilience. Yet, the time has come to transform this resilience into proactive empowerment. This platform is dedicated to nurturing support, fostering communication, and providing resources. It's a place to shine a light on both established and emerging Black women entrepreneurs, encouraging authentic support that has waned over time.

Embracing the spirit of the '70s – a time marked by authenticity, pride, connection, and action – we are reigniting "The Movement" for our era. This is a call to each of you to engage, to share your stories, dreams, and journeys. As an educator and author, I am committed to making this space a beacon of upliftment for our community.

This is an invitation across all ages to join in community action. So, grab your mug, sip your tea, and let's engage in conversations that elevate us to our rightful place of Health, Healing, and Happiness. Together, let's build a sanctuary where each of us can thrive, supported by the strength and love of our community.

C. Jackson-Howard PhD